


Communities all across the country rely on mosquito control products and services to improve the comfort and quality of life for residents.  美国环保署建议采用一种综合的蚊子管理方法, which takes a holistic approach to mosquito control and involves all of the following management strategies:

  1. Community education to earn support for overall mosquito control activities and engage residents in source reduction efforts on their own properties
  2. Surveillance to monitor mosquito populations and detect the presence of arbovirus diseases like West Nile Virus, 东部马脑炎或寨卡病毒 
  3. 调查和绘制已知蚊虫滋生地点和处理途径
  4. 控制孳生地点的幼虫,防止蚊子幼虫变成叮咬的成虫
  5. Adult mosquito control treatments to provide immediate relief from biting or disease-carrying adult populations

Adult mosquito control treatments are often the most visible element of a community’s mosquito management program and often come with a lot of questions about how they work.  本文详细介绍了控制成蚊应用的基本知识.


灭蚊产品通常被称为“杀蚊剂”.”  They are highly refined, EPA-registered insecticides designed specifically for mosquito control.  Adulticide formulations contain an active ingredient and inert components that work together to control adult mosquitoes 飞行 在申请时. 它们最常用的是通过附着在卡车上的ULV喷雾器来应用, ATV, 甚至是固定翼飞机.


用uv - ATV控制成蚊Ultra-low volume (ULV) sprayers turn a liquid mosquito control product into an ultra-fine spray cloud or mist, 由微小液滴组成的.  uv液滴的一个常见参考点是15个液滴可以装在一个针尖上!  These droplets move through the air with the wind 在申请时 to make contact with flying adult mosquitoes.

为了有效, 水滴需要与飞行的蚊子进行物理接触, so ULV applications usually start at dusk or dawn when local mosquito populations are most active.  They do not have any residual effect – they work only at the time of treatment to quickly reduce mosquito populations. 一旦应用, 产品开始迅速分解,5至30分钟后消散, 取决于配方和天气情况.


在产品标签上详细说明了用于灭蚊的施用量范围. 通常, less than one ounce of formulated product per land acre will be used during a ULV application for mosquito control.  供参考, 一英亩土地大约相当于一个足球场或三个郊区地块的大小.


There are many, many different branded products and insecticide chemicals used for mosquito control.  All available EPA-registered products fall into one of two chemistry categories – pyrethroids or organophosphates.  These two chemistry classes use different “modes of action” to disrupt the mosquito’s nervous systems and ultimately kill adult mosquitoes.

开发一种新的控制成蚊的行动方式是非常必要的.  It has been well over 30 years since a new class of chemistry or mode of action has been introduced for public health mosquito control use.  延长所有灭蚊产品的使用寿命, rotating products from both chemistry classes and routinely monitoring local mosquito populations for resistance is product stewardship best practice.



Most ultra-low volume mosquito spray applications are done at dawn or dusk when mosquitoes are most active. 就会有更多的蚊子在治疗的时候飞起来, 一个社区在接受紫外线治疗后就能得到更多的缓解. 


在一个综合蚊子管理项目中, 监测 data on local mosquito population levels and the presence of arbovirus disease will play a large role in scheduling mosquito control treatments. Resident complaints about nuisance levels will also play a role in deciding when and how often to treat for mosquitoes, 还有天气状况, 当地的活动, 预算, 还有其他时间方面的考虑.


When EPA-registered products for controlling mosquitoes are applied according to their label instructions, the EPA has determined that “mosquito control treatments do not pose unreasonable risk to public health and the environment.”

在注册产品之前, the EPA evaluates products thoroughly to be sure there is a “reasonable certainty of no harm” to humans, 动物, 以及它们的使用对环境的影响. Any EPA-registered product for mosquito control has passed rigorous tests required by the EPA and has been approved for use in various treatment sites, 都列在特定的产品标签上. 


Barrier applications for mosquito control treat foliage and other surfaces where adult mosquitoes rest during the daytime hours. 屏障产品通常与背包喷雾器一起使用, 它的配方在使用后具有持久的力量. 取决于所使用的产品和天气条件, 屏障应用将控制降落在处理过的表面上的成蚊7至21天.

还有Hga010皇冠软件下载灭蚊的问题吗?  深入阅读以下文章: